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This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Monday, November 2, 2015

Welcome to November.

With more rain today and this week, we remind you to be careful on the roads. In fact, instead of driving to the grocery store, how about shopping at your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market? It is open until Wednesday at noon.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Monday, November 2, 2015

Welcome to November.

With more rain today and this week, we remind you to be careful on the roads. In fact, instead of driving to the grocery store, how about shopping at your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market? It is open until Wednesday at noon.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters

Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

I would like to tell you how magical I find it when I attend Farmers Conferences and meet someone in our area that does not have an outlet to sell their goods. Last weekend is just such a weekend! I met the Rushing’s at the Blueberry Conference in Metcalfe County and we were discussing blueberries, when my lovely husband mentioned that we have an online market. Mr Rushing admitted that he had made apple cider and maple syrup this year. Can you say, “yummy” with me? They anticipate having blueberries and vine berries next summer. How exciting for us!!
I look forward to seeing them on Friday and tasting these wonderful syrups. Please help me welcome Bizzell Bluff Farm into our market. See you on Friday,

Conyers Locally Grown:  Available for Friday November 6

Hello, I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders.
We will see you on Friday between 5-7 at Copy Central.

Thank you,

Citrus County Locally Grown:  Red Wagon is Back - Local Produce Supply improves

Beef-Skirt Steak 6-8 oz $7.50 $7.87

Market Date Thursday November 5th.
Red Wagon is back on the market, with a limited selection.

3 Rock Farm has added Red Potatoes (OGV) and Red Peppers (OGV) Christmas Jam is Back and they are picking Oak Leaf Lettuce and Arugula.

BIG Ground beef SPECIAL
1lb = $7.99 $8.50
10 × 1lb Packs $74.99 $85.00,

Great range of (CGV) Produce available from Snows Country Market.

Market Date Thursday November 12th

Tuesday November 24, 2015

Stanaland Farm has Fresh Cow and Goat milk. Per Florida Law this product is for ANIMAL FEED ONLY

If you are looking for the link to our three letter code then please click HERE.

Our growers thank you for supporting local growers and businesses. Your orders make a real difference


This weeks availability includes:
Peppers-Green Bell, Purple Bell, Cubanelle, Sweet Peppers and Sweet Pepper Mix.
Bok Choy, Green
Naturally Grown Veggie Box.
Kale-Red Russian and Curly.
EggPlant-Cloud9, Ratna and Japanese.
Lettuce-Green Leaf and Romaine
Swiss Chard


Bent Pine Farm Eggs from Free range Chickens,
Duck Eggs again FREE RANGE, both with Non GMO feed supplement and peppers.


This week we have:
Red Potatoes (OGV)
Red Peppers (OGV)
Christmas Jam is Back
Oak Leaf Lettuce and Arugula.

Aminos Pepitas (Pumpkin Seeds), Organic
AN INCREDIBLY HEALTHY SNACK! Organic Pumpkin Seeds provide a very good source of the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and copper to name a few.

Maple Pecans
I’ve soaked theses pecan halves in Organic Maple Syrup and then roasted them to perfection for a great, healthy snack!!

Maple Walnuts
I’ve soaked theses walnut halves in Organic Maple Syrup and then roasted them to perfection for a great, healthy snack!!

Lemon Blueberry Scones


You can do so much more with these cheeses than just cheese and crackers…Try spreading it on chicken breast or putting it inside a meatloaf. Or spread them on flatbread or top your favorite pizza.

With all these flavors available, you are sure to create something delicious: Garlic Basil, Honey Cranberry Pecan, Chocolate Cherry, Fig Walnut Date, Garlic Cilantro, Herbed Chili Pepper and Plain.


Hot Peppers and Turmeric this week.



Florida Fresh Meat is your “One Stop” Gourmet Shop for locally raised, healthy, sustainable meat!
Grass Fed & finished Gourmet Beef, Pasture raised Pig, Lamb, Goat, Chicken & Duck.
Farm Raised Gator – Phosphate & Preservative Free


Crystal River Brazilian honey is on sale

Citrus County Locally Grown market has our full inventory of honey available right now. The new flavors include Homosassa Gallberry, Citrus Springs Wildflower, Dunnellon Palmetto, and of course the Crystal River Brazilian honey is on sale, due to the natural crystallization process beginning.


GLUTEN FREE Breads fresh from the Tampa Bakery delivered just in time for market assuring perfect freshness.
Try the Ancient Grains, Cinnamon & Millet, Millet and Flax, Millet Sourdough, Pumpkin Millet Flax.


Grouper and Snapper available, fresh caught.


Just harvested
*Conk Peas
*Lady Peas
*Pink Eye Peas
*Speckled Butter Beans
*Butter Beans

Thank you for supporting your On-Line Farmers Market. Your purchases have made a difference to many families

Your CCLG Team

The link below will take you there.*

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Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Market Open for November 5

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

Hello, and welcome to November! Now that we’re back on Standard Time, it’s easy to lose track of time in the evenings. We start calling everyone who hasn’t picked up their orders on Thursday at 7:30, a half hour before we close at 8pm. I’ve gotten a lot of disconnected and changed phone numbers recently while I’ve called, so be sure to check the phone number on your account and change it if needed. You can do that on the website on the Your Account page. We’ve also had a lot of people arriving early, even before 4pm. We don’t officially open until 4:30 on Thursday, but if the growers all arrive on time and we have everything set, we’ll begin filling orders as soon as they’re early. There’s no advantage to arriving early, however — if a grower runs short on products, they fill the orders in the order they were placed, not the order in which you arrive on Thursday. If you’d like to come early and hang out while we get things together, however, feel free!

We’re glad to have a favorite food producer back after a lengthy absence. The Comerian, now with an actual brick and mortar location in Comer, has returned to ALG. I know people who have made a special trip to the other markets just to get her products, and we’re glad to have her back with us again as well.

It’s hard to believe that November is here already, but it is. Here’s a reminder that we will be taking Thanksgiving week off. We will be open as usual the rest of November, so if there are things you’d like for your Thanksgiving meals, you’ll need to plan ahead and order them early. I’ve been asked if I know of any local growers with turkeys available. We have in years past has ALG growers raising turkeys, but most everyone has stopped trying. Domestic turkeys, even heritage breeds, have a really hard time with the heat and humidities of our summers, and so take an enormous amount of labor to raise well. As the holiday gets closer, I may get a few leads on a handful of locally raised heritage turkeys, and if so, I’ll share them with you.

Thanks so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it! You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The Athens Farmers Market is open on Saturdays at Bishop Park and Wednesday afternoons downtown at Creature Comforts. You can catch the news on their website. The West Broad Farmers Market from the Athens Land Trust is open Saturday mornings and their farm stand is open Tuesday afternoons. They have a website too. A new Athens Sunday market has opened up at the Classic Center, every Sunday from 11 to 4 now through October. They have a website here: The Comer Farmers Market is open in downtown Comer on Saturday mornings. The Oconee County farmers market is open Saturday mornings in front of the Oconee County Courthouse in Watkinsville. The Shields Ethridge Cultivator Market is held monthly in Jefferson. If you know of any markets operating, please let me know.

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

DeForest, WI:  Availability for Week of Nov 1--Final Market of the season

Friday will be the last market of the season.

Plan on finding additional items from what is listed here, just like in past weeks. You do not need to place an order to purchase fresh certified organic produce, just show up Friday between 4 and 6pm and shop. Expect to see potatoes, lettuce, green onions, leeks, choy, celery, and eggs. Also, Arugula, mizuna, kale, chard, spinach, turnips, and possibly peppers too.

Forest Run Farm is also offering Organic Raspberry Jam made right here in the Farm’s kitchen. Please bring cash for payment, $4.50 per half pint.

If you have Forest Run Farm CSA punch cards left, please plan accordingly. If you have any unused punches on the cards, return them to us and we will add the unused amount to our family assistance fund to help fund CSA shares for families in financial need.

Dawson Local Harvest:  Happy November

Dawson Local Harvest for Nov. 6th

Happy November!


Well, the calendar is just movin’ right along and the cool of November is upon us. That still means good cool-weather Produce. LEILANI’S has plenty of fresh Collards ready, tender Green Beans are still available, crisp ‘Peppermint’ Chard is excellent sauteed’ with parmesan, added to pasta, fixed au gratin and more, plus the last of the Peppets are in. Check The Market for the full listing.

Don’t forget BRADLEY’S has Cooking Pumpkins for your Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bread, Cookies, and other harvest treats. And if you don’t want to do the baking yourself MY DAILY BREAD can do it for you!


REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Alan Vining
Market Manager

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Weekly product list

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

New! Beyond Organics has swiss chard available this week, and Green Fork Farm has red mustard greens.

Summer Kitchen Family Farm is back, and they have sweet peas, kale, swiss chard, and turnips.

Diamond T Meats is back with eggs and pork.

Also available this week:

Eggs—Pastured chicken eggs.

Vegetables—Potatoes, kale, beet greens, swiss chard, turnip greens, spinach, peas, lettuce, pac choi, mixed greens, sweet potato greens, radishes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, acorn squash, arugula, green bell peppers, jalapenos, poblanos, red Anaheims, green Anaheims, habaneros, serranos, tabascos, ghost peppers, mixed hot peppers, and sweet banana peppers.

Herbs—Cilantro, sage, rosemary, and mixed herb bunches.

Meat—Pastured beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and goat.

Fermented foods—Sauerkraut and jalapenos.

Salsa—Made with locally grown and organic ingredients.

Olives and Olive Oil—organic and directly from the grower in California.

Plants and Flowers—Culinary, medicinal, pollinator-friendly, and decorative plants and flowers.

Bath and Beauty—Handmade, all natural soaps.

Place your order from now until Tuesday at noon for pickup on Wednesday from 4-7 pm at Nightbird Books in Fayetteville.

If you aren’t able to place an order, stop by to shop with us on Wednesday. We will have a variety of items for sale from the table.

See you on Wednesday,

Green Fork Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books
205 W. Dickson St.
Fayetteville, AR

To place your order, click on the link below to enter the website. Sign in as a customer, then click on the icon next to each product you wish to order. Proceed to checkout, review the list to make sure it’s correct, then scroll to the bottom and click on Place This Order. Make sure you receive a confirmation email—if you don’t, your order was not processed. Payment is at the market pickup with cash, check, debit/credit card, EBT, and Senior FMNP coupons. Ask about our doubling program for EBT and SFMNP!

ew this week!


Summer Kitchen Family Fa

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest for November 1st

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


Ginger, Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato*
A magical combination of sweet roots, squash, and spicy ginger!

1 large butternut squash, peeled & seeded
4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled
3 yellow onions, peeled and sliced thin
1 4-inch piece ginger, peeled and julienned
5 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon Kosher salt
1/2 tablespoon black pepper

Preheat oven 400°F.

Cut the butternut squash and sweet potatoes into wedges, about 2 inches each. In a large bowl, combine the squash, sweet potatoes, onions, ginger, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Use your hands to mix all ingredients together.

Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet, and arrange in a single layer. Bake, uncovered, for 40 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 300°F, and cook for an additional 1 1/2 hours. Reduce oven temperature to 200°F and cook for 1 hour longer. If you are not serving this dish immediately, keep in oven until serving (even if the oven is “off,” the warmth does it good … I even keep it in the oven overnight!).

Market News


Happy November! The time change means it’s dark earlier, and we will officially from now on be under the porch up at the church! We are so grateful to the Trinity Presbyterian Church community for allowing us to set up through the winter months. The electric lights and weather protection really make a much more comfortable and efficient delivery!

We have a ton of great veggies on the Market page this week! It is a time of high diversity on the farms, and so many good things to eat! Please enjoy all these offerings now, as soon the icy cold winter days will be here and choices will be much more limited!

Rocky Glade Farm has a special offer on bushel and half bushel boxes of sweet potatoes, so now may be a good time to stock up! This will also be the last week for Thai ginger.

Bear Creek Farm is currently taking pre-orders for Holiday Prime Rib up on the Market, if you want to try something other than turkey for Thanksgiving!

It is time to reserve your Wedge Oak Farm pasture raised turkey for Thanksgiving! Delivery that week will be on Tuesday, November 24th, instead of Wednesday. The turkeys will be frozen, and you will be able to pick them up on Wednesday, November 18th or Tuesday, November 24th.

We need your bags! Please remember to bring us the reusable bags when you pick up .

We appreciate your support, and will see you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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