The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Champaign, OH: Local Love
Good morning, little local market of love customers!!
First…a HUGE thank you to all who placed an order, this week, and every week, or any week!! We are only as strong as our amazing customer base AND our awesome vendors!!
Second…tonight, in the lobby of the YMCA, during the order pick up, we will have two tables of local vendors, with their amazing seasonal produce!
We welcome back, Herr Family Farms with their second round of locally grown peaches, AND Dialton Farms who bring the farm straight to us, for additional produce shopping!
If you forgot to place an order, stop in the lobby to stock up on things you may want from these two vendors!
The Herrs will need to leave by 5:30…both vendors are set up at 4pm!
Please…bring cash for both of them!! They do direct sales instead of going through the YMCA!
One other local love bit of news…we have added an additional egg vendor!! Look for them when the market opens, tonight! We love our egg vendors but some of their chickens are being stubborn little things…and we NEED the eggs!!
Get your local love fix!
Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam
Palouse Grown Market: BUY LOCAL
Purchase local foods, support local farms and families, and get the freshest, healthiest food you can get your hands on.
Check out Palouse Grown Market, Online Farmer’s Market!
Browse the healthy and naturally grown products these AMAZING farms have to offer:
-Slippery Slope Farm
-Joseph’s Grainery
-Fosbiz Gardens
-Deep Roots Farm
-Twin Creeks Micro Creamery
-M&L Farms
-Pokey Creek Farm
-Swallowtail Flowers
Thanks for your support, and enjoy!
Market Manager
New Field Farm's Online Market: The end of August
School buses will start appearing this week and hopefully the storm tonight will drive out the humidity and make it feel more like the end of summer and beginning of fall.
Thank you for accommodating the change in pick-up day last week. We’re back to Fridays now.
We have carrots by the pound this week. The variety called Nelson that we’re harvesting now is getting a leaf disease called Alternaria due to all the wet, humid weather we’ve been having. The carrots are fine, but the tops are less suitable for bunching.
This same weather is also hard on lettuce. There’s no Summer Crisp this week and a limited amount of Romaine. I should be able to come up with Red Leaf and Boston, as well as salad mix.
We still have plenty of nice basil, which is a treat after two seasons of losing it to basil downy mildew by early August.
The cucumbers ended early this year due to another leaf disease. I’m sorry about that because they’re so good fresh.
We’re still setting out lettuce, sowing arugula, salad mix, and spinach, and weeding (!)
Thank you for your orders. I hope you’ve been finding the produce to be fresh and good-tasting.
Champaign, OH: Let's Go!
She says, “let’s go”…
(Let’s Go!- The Cars)
So, it’s an exciting behind the scenes, tonight, at our little local market of love!
The market is skyrocketing, the vendors are all seeing such amazing sales, and your market manager would like to say…Let’s Go!!
We have until 10pm!! It’s your chance to take advantage of all the market has to offer!!
We can fill your needs, your orders, your wishes! We have an amazing array of produce!! It’s the peak of the season! Take advantage!!
I am watching the last minutes…hurry, place your orders, and…Let’s Go!
Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam
Russellville Community Market: RCM Order Reminder

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!
Happy ordering!
We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!
Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!
Russellville Community Market
ALFN Local Food Club: Weblog Entry
Hey folks, remember to make your orders before noon tomorrow when I close the market and get all the orders to our growers!
I know there are a few backyard chicken enthusiasts here, so I thought I would share an experiment I’m conducting. I have a “few” hens in my backyard: Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, and Black Austrolorps. We’ve been eating their eggs for quite some time now, but I’ve always wanted to improve our feed situation. After a bit of research, I’ve decided to try fermenting their feed. Although it is best begun early, the benefits are attractive enough for me to give it a whirl. There is scientific research that suggests lacto-fermentation of feed makes protein more available, increase weight, thickens shells, increases egg weight, and provides more robust immune protection in the gut. Further, food waste is reduced. Shoot, I’m gonna try it. Don’t worry, this kind of fermentation won’t produce drunk chickens. If you are interested in a more in-depth read, check out this post from a chicken enthusiast. If you aren’t compelled to read more, listen to this chicken enthusiast…he will make you smile! I love this song…
Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Just a Few Hours Left to Order!
Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Happy beautiful Tuesday afternoon!
Don’t forget to place your order on Manchester Locally Grown market. The market will be open till 10 pm tonight. Delivery of your order, fresh from local farms, will be made on Thursday. Pickup of your order will be at Square Books, 113 E. Main St, Manchester, from 3:00-5:00 on Thursday. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday morning, if that’s more convenient for you. Square Books will be open on Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Just make a note on your order, or text or call (931) 273-9708 if you prefer to utilize this free service.
Remember that we are a year-round market, not subject to seasonal closings like the local farm stands. You will find special items here – currently pork products, herbal & handmade products, plants for home & garden, summer vegetables, milk, eggs, & honey – with other items available seasonally. Gift certificates are available in any denomination. Give the gift of great local products!
Thanks for your orders last week! Please encourage your local friends and family to shop at our year-round market and support local farmers!
Champaign, OH: Sugar, Sugar!
Like the summer sun…
Pour Your sweetness over me…
And, you got me wanting you…
(Sugar-The Archie’s)
This morning, I was outside, having early morning coffee in the brisk chill, on my front porch.
I like to see the sun coming to it’s morning entrance, between loaves of baking bread. This morning had the sun peaking up from the edge of a cloud, it’s rays were those giant kind of rays, and I immediately felt happy.
Happy for the sunshine, happy that it made me smile, made me love the day, love where I live, and love the whole local scene.
What it’s all about…the goodness of local, the sunshine feeling of this little local market of love, and what it means to buy, sell, live the local life.
Today is Tuesday! Find your local sunshine in this market, place your order, and bask in the warmth of keeping it all local.
The market closes at 10pm, tonight…let the sun shine!
Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam